
Start your assignment on-time with our incredible credentialing team

A few tasks and we’ll help knock ’em off your list!

As a Joint Commission accredited agency, we’re required to get everything below prior to starting your assignment. Sometimes the facility you’re assigned to may require additional items. Either way, we’ll help you stay on track!

Here’s what we’ll need from you ASAP:

  • Completion of your new hire paperwork through our onboarding portal, Able.
  • Completion of a drug screen set up by your Credentialing Coordinator. Please have this completed no later than 48 hours of receiving it, in order for us to obtain the results in a timely manner.
  • An email from Relias will be sent to you with your login information to complete your required competency exams.
  • Additional items will be required based on your assigned facility. The following items are often required; your Credentialing Coordinator will alert you of the full list of needed items.
    • MMR Records
    • Hep B Records
    • Varicella Records
    • Pre-Employment Physical
    • TB Test
    • BLS, ACLS, PALS certifications (AHA only, ARC accepted with Facility approval)
  • On your first day of work, please bring a valid picture ID issued by a state, federal, or regulatory agency.

We’re here to help. Contact us with any questions you have.